Electronic sports locally

The Association’s affairs are managed by a Board, consisting of a chairman elected for one term, who is also appointed as the Chairman of the Association, and from two to eight (2-8) other full members. The Chairman of the Association shall be elected by the Annual Meeting of the Association for a term of one (1) year at a time. It shall organize itself and elect from among its members a Vice-Chairman and such other officials as may be necessary.
Its duties shall include the conduct of the affairs of the Association, including planning and conducting meetings, budgeting for events and recruiting volunteers, and other representational duties at various events.
If you are interested in supporting our activities, please contact us via the Membership form or the Chairman of the Board in the way of your choice.
You can read more about the associations’s activities on the Association page. Below you can see the members of the Board. They can be reached from the email hallitus[at]jklesports.fi unless otherwise stated.
Board members 2025

Paula Hokkanen
Discord: admiral.cibo

Sami Virtanen
Vice Chairman
Discord: nep0ne

Elmo Hämäläinen
Discord: elmojoha

Thomas Semenius
Event Team
Discord: tumppi
Email: yhteistyo[at]jklesports.fi

Ragnar Törnblom
Communications Team
Discord: halloww
Email: viestinta[at]jklesports.fi

Essi Pirttivaara
Event Team
Discord: essihandele
Email: yhteistyo[at]jklesports.fi

Jere Koskimäki
Event Team
Discord: king2w

Jenna Hemtman
Communications Team
Discord: jenna040097

Taru Kemppainen
Discord: fallfey